Jesteś tutaj: Informacje24 Tam byliśmy - Relacje Ethan James Green is next Pirelli Calendar photographer!

Ethan James Green is next Pirelli Calendar photographer!

Pirelli informed, that Ethan James Green is a photographer for 2025 Calendar.


The New York - based photographer, born in 1990, grew up in Caledonia (Michigan) and started his career as a model. In 2007 he signed contract with Ford Models agency. As a model, he appeared in a prominent campaign for Calvin Klein, and etanekwas photographed by David Amstrong, appearing in Armstrong's 2011 book 615 Jefferson Ave. He became Armstrong's assistant.

The upcoming Pirelli Calendar in 2025, which will be unveiled in London, is expected to feature a return to sensuality, as hinted by Ethan James Green's conversation with stylist Tonne Goodman in a recent video.

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