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20-letnia Polka Katarzyna Chojnacka skazana za współudział w rozboju!

20-letnia Polka Katarzyna Chojnacka została skazana na dwa lata i trzy miesiące za udział w rozboju, którego ofiarą stał się siedemnastolatek.

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Kategoria: 2

Bristol Balloon Fiesta – największa atrakcja turystyczna w Bristolu w ciągu lata!

International Balloon Fiesta to z całą pewnością impreza przyciągająca największą ilość turystów do Bristolu w ciągu lata.

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Kategoria: 2

International Balloon Fiesta w Bristolu rozpoczęta!

W piątek, 9 sierpnia rozpoczęła się 46 edycja największego, corocznego święta baloniarzy w Europie.

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Atak w Southport – dwójka dzieci nie żyje a kolejnych osiem walczy o życie!

Do ataku doszło około 11.50 w klubie dla dzieci Hope of Hart. Napastnik był uzbrojony w nóż.

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Kategoria: 2

Joe Biden zrezygnował!

Trwające od pewnego czasu spekulacje na temat przyszłości Bidena zostały w końcu przecięte. Joe Biden zrezygnował z ubiegania się o ponowny wybór na stanowisko prezydenta USA.

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AmMägi reveals her newest collection at London Fashion Week

During London Fashion Week designer AmMagi presented her newest collection. Her presentation was a good reason to ask about her fashion journey.


First question is: why did you become a fashion designer?

Why did I become a designer? Since I was 15 years old, I have designed and made my own clothes. I loved upcycling to create my own unique look.


Who inspired you, specially when you started your career ?


At the very beginning I was using patterns from the German magazine called 'Burda', which had amazing cut and easy to follow instructions to encourage me to continue confidently and expand my knowledge from just designing to pattern cutting and tailoring. Today as a creative fashion designer who has decades of experience in the fashion industry, after focussing initially on pattern cutting, dress making, and tailoring, I have founded my own brand under the label AmMägi.


During London Fashion Week you showed us your newest collection. What is the main theme your collection?


The latest collection is focused on business clothing, formal attire, and evening wear. AmMägi designs are aimed at the woman who knows what she wants in life and also for fashion-forward men. Both of which are mindful and sustainable shoppers. AmMägi collections will be transferable throughout the seasons to wear, keep, and add new pieces to create individual ... ollection over time.

The latest collection features pieces from previous collections, which can be seen on and on our Instagram/Facebook accounts. AmMägi brand is exceptionally customer oriented, and handmade luxury will be tailored in every piece.


Any special moment or surprise during fashion show?


Kiara! Kiara was hand-picked by me for my opening outfit! I met her briefly when arrived to venue and I liked her look and attitude, so I requested her to walk for me! Obviously right decision as Kiara was incredible!


Thank you very much for your answer.


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